Sunday, January 25, 2009

Some shiz I've done recently

I haven't blogged in a hella long time. I blame this on 2 things: One being that I just got a new job and I really don't have the time to blog at work and 2: The fact that my dog felt the need to chew on my camera and completely destroyed it. I can't take pictures of anything so basically if I blog about anything I've done I can't take any pictures to document it. I NEED to get a new camera soon.

Anyway, I am ALMOST done my invitations. I have to finish up printing about 20-30 more RSVPs and address the envelopes and I am done. If you read one of my previous posts you'd know that I am making personalized RSVPs in hopes that I don't get people adding uninvited guests and/or their children. This is what they look like. They were a pain in the ass, but with a little tutorial on mail merging I got the hang of it quickly.

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